Sunday, January 13, 2019

QANON - Why it’s NOT a Conspiracy Theory!

In our first video of Qanon we provided evidence that proves that Q is actually an elaborate plan generated by President Trump and his team to relay uncensored information to the people by completely bypassing the Mainstream Media. In this episode we cover how we are all in the crossfire of a massive battle between 2 sides. We go to work, pay our bills, attend school, have a social life (well maybe not everyone), raise our family, etc. On one side we are told that all who believe in conspiracies are disrupting the peace and seem to have some mental disorders and need to come back to reality. The media reinstates this and tells us that anyone who thinks this way, should be avoided at all costs. On the other side, we are being told that we are living inside a controlled environment where the very people who are saying we are crazy, are actually a part of an elaborate plot to control the American people. It is said, they tell us what to think, what to wear, what to listen to, what to watch, and that we are a slave to the system, which brings them a ton of money through our taxes, which is being used to fund programs that keeps us more in control. Some say Qanon is breaking this cycle of being in this controlled environment and is revealing the truth to the American people in which the other side can't stand and is fearful of. So they are launching attacks against anyone who follows this. In this episode we answer questions for people looking for answers to questions that you may have but can't seem to find answers to. Such as is this really a right-wing crazy conspiracy that the media says it is and why are they attacking him so much? And if he is he really a LARP why are so many people following him? Also why is Q using 4Chan and 8Chan to communicate instead of the media? And If Qanon is real why is he posting anonymously and why hasn't anyone he is talking about being arrested? On today's episode of Edge of Wonder we address all of these issues and questions and more on the Q Phenomena that has taken the world by storm.

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